Home Inspections
As our client, let us refer you to the top inspectors in Portugal

Since being licensed as a Real Estate Broker in Arizona in 1988 Heather has attended over 400 Home Inspections with her clients over the years. While working as an estate agent briefly in Portugal, Heather attended inspections in has much to say on a good quality, knowledgeable Home Inspector.
Heather also opens up her home to tour and learn a bit about local construction, and common issues to keep an eye out for, and to show you the possibilities! Just ask.
No charge. Just fill out the contact form and we wil get in touch to see how we can help!
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    NIF Assistance and/or Bank Account HelpConsulting Call or Video MeetingVISA Assistance, Drivers License Exchange, Shipping Certificate AssistanceScouting & Custom ToursHealth InsuranceInternet & Phone Services SIM CardsRental or Purchase AssistanceSEF Doc Prep, NHR Election Help & Other Help

    Visa success on the first go around! Heather and her team at Boots on the Ground Portugal made it a reality!
    Jasmine FragosDigital Nomad
    I was in need of guidance with some complex aspects of my move to Portugal. Heather had been through the same problems as mine in the past, and she was very helpful in getting me sorted out. I highly recommend her services!
    Bill Womack
    Heather has great attention to detail and will hustle to connect the right people and get stuff done!
    Bruce WillemsIndependent Events Services Professional