Mortgage Assistance in Portugal

Heather worked for Chase & Bank of America as a Loan Processor previously. In addition, she obtained 25% down financing in Portugal after shopping the terms and options.

Many key tips were learned that are not the same as getting a loan in North America. Learn these things to look out for and understand.

Did you know that Loan to Value means something different in Portugal? Fixed Rate doesn't necessarily mean a full term fixed rate in Portugal... just a couple examples.

In addition, we have a lender for you to speak with about financing.

Schedule an hour call & get the details, referral, as well as a translation of any loan disclosure documents you receive from a lender. Just email them to us for your included translation after your consulting call!
Consulting Call or Video Meeting
65 hourly
Heather has great attention to detail and will hustle to connect the right people and get stuff done!
Bruce WillemsIndependent Event Services Professional